
Hi! I haven't been here a long time! :( 
I am at my grandmother in Czech Republic in a countryside and i wanted to use a little bit the nature and thr fresh air! 
It is so nice hear: everywhere trees,flowers,sheep,ducks,chickens and a lot of vegetables!!
I was hear for 2 weeks and i had a lot of time to do some cool imagines but think i didn't use the time god so i have just one post from hear!! :)
Tomorrow i am flying to London and the next day i am going to oxford for 2 weeks for a camp so i try to do there some pictures!
 I am very excited now and i hope i will have a great time there!

My outfit:
shoes - no name  
shorts - levi's
t-shirt - vintage
jeans jacket - vintage

8 komentarze:

Sheerie pisze...

Awesome bog and really nice pictures! :)

I'm following you now. Please follow me back! :)

Kimmy pisze...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog, so glad you like ot! Of course we can follow, Im looking forward to seeing lots more great outfits from you!

sinthewonderland pisze...

ty for stopping by my blog. Of course we can follow--
Follow you ...follow me :***

Ania pisze...

Buty sa fajne!

Slađi pisze...

Love your boots!!

oliviasnapsmoments pisze...

your boots are awesome!!

following you on GFC! mind checking out my blog and follow me back? thanks!

Vanessa pisze...

Vielen Dank,für dein liebes Kommentar.^^
Klar,wir können uns gerne gegenseitig folgen.
Bei bloglovin auch??? Fängst du an???

Vanessa pisze...

Danke,für's folgen.
Folge dir nun auch bei bloglovin #10 und gfc.
Folgst du mir auch bei bloglovin???;)

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Daria Louisa Szychulda is a girl living in Poland who loves travelling,making pictures and fashion.She is trying to find her own style whithout losing diversity and originality. She likes combinating togheter different styles and experimenting with fashion. On christmas 2011 she assumes a blog on which she intends to put her obserwations about fashion and styles .